Macvector recombination
Macvector recombination

macvector recombination

virosa and the ancestor of cultivated lettuce is at the origin of the actual mitochondrial genome of L. These results suggest that a cross between L. serriola origin of the nuclear and plastidial genomes. Furthermore, we found a remarkable phylogenetic closeness between the mtDNA of L. serriola where the accessions we sequenced diverge significantly from the mtDNA of a L. Our results unveiled little to no intraspecies variation among Lactuca species, with the exception of L. virosa, whose mtDNA had not been studied so far. To contribute to the study of Lactuca evolution, we assembled the mtDNA genomes of nine Lactuca spp. sativa, Lactuca virosa, and Lactuca saligna, would have just contributed to the latter diversification of cultivated typologies. Lactuca serriola is considered as the direct ancestor and the closest relative to Lactuca sativa, while the other wild species that can be crossed with L. The involvement of the different Lactuca species in the domestication and diversification of cultivated lettuce is not totally understood. 3Enza Zaden France Recherche S.A.S., Allonnes, France.2Enza Zaden Research and Development B.V., Enkhuizen, Netherlands.1Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.

macvector recombination

Arnaud Fertet 1, Stéfanie Graindorge 1, Sandrine Koechler 1, Gert-Jan de Boer 2, Emilie Guilloteau-Fonteny 3 and José M.

Macvector recombination